Minerva and the duckling

A little duckling who chose to protect a monument of Minerva and eventually battles the never ending monsters along with the goddess herself. 

Minerva and the duckling is an endless defense game, created with the theme for the GMTK  2023 Game Jam


While you start of as a little duckling, killing the hordes of monsters from the underworld, at every interval, the roles are reversed - rather than protecting Minerva as a duckling, you are now the one being protected by the duckling as Minerva. Remember, the roles will continue to reverse at every interval!

How to Play:

  • LEFT CLICK  to attack
  • RIGHT CLICK to throw
  • WASD to move
  • SPACE to jump


Must be Fullscreen to play!!

Challenges (to self)

1. I think one of the main challenges I faced had to be the art. Not only did I struggle with getting the art to look nice but I mainly had difficulty with handling resolution. I initially wanted to create an 8x8 pixel art game but unintentionally it came out to be more 16x16 rather than 8x8. My weakness is heavily on art so given the the time constraint, I had to somewhat rush drawing them.

2. Difficulty Scaling - I think one of the major things I need to work on is the ability to balance the game out. Because I tend to create abilities or items for the sake of creating them as the OP thing, I can't help but make some too overpowered and some too under powered making the game too difficult whenever the player is at the middle. (I'll be working on it I swear TT)

Resources Used:

  1.  Godot  - Game Engine
  2. Aseprite - Art
  3. Zapsplat - Audio
  4. Purchased Audio - Audio
  5.  Bit Potion Font by Joeb Rogers
  6.  "Curse of the Scarab" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
    http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ - Music


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Awesome Game!